
I am excited to announce that I’ve recently stepped up as the new maintainer for PyVideo. PyVideo is a wonderful resource for the Python community, cataloging videos of conference and meetup talks from around the world for over thirteen years now. As a conference organizer and frequent conference attendee myself, I get a lot of value from PyVideo, and I’m glad to be able to contribute back to it in a larger role.

I want to thank Paul Logston (PyVideo’s most recent project lead), Will and Sheila before him, and the dozens and dozens of other volunteers for maintaining the site. PyVideo is truly a community project, with over one hundred contributors across the project’s main repositories. If you’d like to contribute as well, you can find the website source code and data repositories on GitHub.

What changes can you expect to see to PyVideo going forward? Not many in the immediate term; at this stage, I’m focused on routine updates and backfilling some data that has been missed over recent years. In the longer term, we’ll see where things go. I’d like PyVideo to (continue to) be the best place to discover freely available video content within the Python ecosystem, and I’m sure that the platform will grow and adapt to the needs of the community to fulfill that role. This will surely include both user-facing updates as well as tooling to make it as quick and easy as possible for conferences, meetups, and other groups to share their videos with the community.

More updates coming soon, and again a huge thank you to everyone who has contributed and continues to contribute to PyVideo. Now if you have a half hour or so, go re-watch your favorite Python talk at; or better yet, go watch one you’ve never seen before from a speaker you don’t know yet. Happy viewing!